Monday, July 03, 2006
E3B Meets A3A, Wacom Style!
So I thought I would try translating the painting I am currently working on, into a drawing, also not an easy task! It is difficult to go the other way as well, drawing to painting. Will I ever get the two together in a way that satisfies me? Sometime in this decade, perhaps, would be preferable! Yes, Yes! I had a marriage between litho and drawing at one time, but in litho a drawing tool is also used. Do oil sticks come in pencil form? You know what would be really cool? Oil in a rollar ball tube, that rolls off the ball like ink from a pen!!! Does anything like that exist? Would it work? I must get my people on this, after all I am the Colonel! Surely I have people! Yah! Ha! Not!
Philip and I Go Sketching at Martello Tower! Wacom #6
Captain Philip Guston Pink was late for sketching, yet again today! He will be disciplined for letting down the Prismacolor Light Infantry, severely! His punishment shall commence with finishing my roman shade project! Ya like I wish! I spent a few hours today, hand tacking rows of temporary basting stitches through the top layer and the blackout fabric. I am almost finished tacking the first shade and will then flip it over and graph out where the rings will be placed for the cording to be threaded through! I can't wait to get back to painting! I suppose the break is good for me, it really did wonders for me at Christmas time.
We went for a drive downtown today and I was very sorry for not including my camera on the trip because it was really beautiful to drive along the Rockcliffe Parkway, as it follows the river all the way to Sussex Drive and the landscaping along the boulevards is just unbelievable! The huge mansions are something else as well!
We stopped briefly at the Rideau Lookout and watched all the sail boats having a wild time on the river, they had great wind! The place was full of tourists, sight seeing like us! We drove by the National Gallery and I thought of Emily Carr. We have yet to go and see the exhibition, but I am really looking forward to it! Emily's face is splashed all over local city buses! My she would be just tickled over all the attention, I am sure! You can check out Emily Carr in my links under National Gallery of Canada. In my Treehouse blog.
Sussex Drive was full of tourists as well, lots of families with strollers going to the Gallery and to the Mint. We saw loads of cyclists the whole way, some serious, some struggling, some taking a break and many peddaling hard against the wind. It is very hot today and we have just had several hours of very intense storms with more wind and rain than I have ever seen and I still hear thunder in the distance and the skys are once again very dark. We have had raging thunder storms, most days for over a week now. Very exciting weather! Not so great for sketching on the wacom, as I am constantly having to shut down the computer!
The drawing I did today is based on a sitting I did at the Martello Tower in Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia, several years before hurricane Juan came through and flattened all the trees. Pink was not present for that sketching event.